Slip this handy dispenser in the base of any trash can to keep bags close at hand. Once the full trash bag is removed, just pull up a new liner.
Miss Jenn’s Blog Post about the inspiration behind this project? Read it here: Talking Trash…Literally
Cost: $3
Time: 1 hour
Difficulty: Easy. The box is a quick assembly, and the slot in the lid is great practice with the jigsaw.
(1) ¼” Plywood (Use Scrap, if possible) to make the Lid
(1) 1 x 3 to create the Box
(2) Magnetic Cabinet Latches to hold the Lid in place
1¼ inch Finish Nails to assemble the Box
Wood Glue
Super Glue
Note: Measure the inside of the
base of the trash can, not the rim, as many trash cans taper towards the base.
1 x 3 Box Sides – 2 @ Depth of the Trash can Base
1 x 3 Box Ends – 2 @ 1½” less than the Width of the Trash can Base
½ inch Plywood Lid – 1 @ Depth x Width of the Trash can Base
1. Size and Prep the Box Parts
Using the cut list above, size the 1 x 3 Box Sides and Ends. Centered on each Side piece, install a Magnetic Cabinet Latch flush with its top edge.
2. Assemble the Box
Apply wood glue to the Ends, and then place them between the Sides. Using a pneumatic nail gun, shoot 1¼-inch finish nails through the Sides and into the Ends to hold the parts in place.

3. Size and Prep the Lid
Using a circular saw, cut the ¼ inch Plywood Lid to size. Measuring from one end of the Lid, mark the center of the dispenser slot’s ends. Repeat on the opposite end. For example, my marks sit 3 inches from each end, and will create a 7-inch long slot.
Tip: Use our DIY Cutting Fence to keep the cuts in this step straight.

4. Drill the Ends of the Slot
Clamp the Lid on a scrap block. (Tip: Clamping the plywood on a block, versus over the edge of the work surface, will minimize splintering as the drill bit punches through the plywood.) Using a drill/driver fitted with a ¾-inch paddle bit, drill through the marks made in step 3 to create the ends of the slot.

5. Cut the Slot
Using a ruler or straightedge, mark a line on each side of the holes drilled in step 4. Slide the first cut line over the edge of the work surface, and then secure the Lid in place with clamps. Place the blade of the jigsaw into the first hole, and then cut along the line until it reaches the second hole. Repeat on the second cut line to create the slot.

6. Mark the Magnetic Latch Plates
Place the Metal Plates on the Magnetic Catches. Set the Lid and Box upside down on the work surface. Using a pencil, outline the location of the Plates on the underside of the Lid.

7. Attach the Metal Plates
Remove the Box. Apply super glue to the underside of the Metal Plates, and then press them into place on the underside of the Lid. Allow the glue to dry.

8. Position the Lid
Place the box in the trash can (not pictured). Place a roll of trash bags in the Box. Pull the edge of the outer bag through the slot in the Lid, and then place the Lid onto the Box.

Verla Wood, July 27, 2021, Colorado
Can you give more measurements, I would like to just make the box to dispense my kitchen trash bags. I don’t have an hanging trash can. We currently us a cardboard box and have to re-tape the sides over and over and it is hard to find one that fits the length of a roll of kitchen trash bags. We will be adding a bottom to the box.