Reader Project
Cookbook Stand
Schon from Ashburn, VA used Build Basic’s Cookbook Stand plans to build a holder for her daughter’s organizer/planner. See the steps below to get her beautifully distressed finish, and head over to our project plans to see how to build your own!
Apply wood putty to joints. Once putty is dry, sand the parts smooth.
Apply a coat of Zinsser shellac. Schon suggests hand-rubbing the shellac versus using a brush.
Apply two coats of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, allowing dry time between coats.
Lightly distress the parts using 230-grit sandpaper, followed by 320-grit sandpaper.
Apply and buff a coat of Annie Sloan Clear Wax followed by a coat of Annie Sloan Dark Wax.
A HUGE thank you to Schon for sharing her beautiful project. Want your Build Basic project featured? Send photos to!
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