Today I’m sharing how I customize the tapered legs I use on most of my midcentury pieces. Read on to see how a few quick modifications to the look and finish can turn a budget table leg into a shinning focal point.


TIP: Click the tabs below to see the tools and materials list.


Cost: About $4 per leg

Time: 20 minutes

Difficulty: Easy. With a few quick changes, a stock leg looks like a custom midcentury reproduction.

Note: This list may contain affiliate links


Drill/Driver fitted with a 3/8″ drill bit

5½ inch Table Leg


Wood Stain

Jenn’s Favorite Gold Paint

Painter Tape

Scrap Block of Wood





1. Remove the Foot


Clamp the leg to a work surface or hold it securely. Using pliers, pry the foot from the bottom of the leg. Using a hammer, tap the bottom of the leg to drive any pulled metal back inside the base of the leg.
Midcentury Legs on a Budget by Build Basic - Step 1

www.Build-Basic.com2. Cover the Metal Base


Wrap a piece of painters table around the metal base of the leg to protect it from the stain.
Midcentury Legs on a Budget by Build Basic - Step 2

3. Create a Holder


To create a holder for the legs while the finish is applied, drill a hole for each leg into a scrap 2×4 block using a drill/driver and a 3/8-inch drill bit. Place the threaded rod on top of the leg into the hole.
Midcentury Legs on a Budget by Build Basic - Step 3

4. Prep the Leg for Stain


To prevent the wood from soaking up too much stain and looking opaque, first apply a coat of Pre-stain with a brush or cloth. Allow the pre-stain to penetrate the wood for about five minutes, or as instructed on the can.
Midcentury Legs on a Budget by Build Basic - Step 4

5. Apply the Stain


Using a brush or cloth, apply a coat of stain to the leg, spinning the leg as you work. Using a lint-free cloth, wipe the excess stain from the leg. Allow the stain to dry, and then finish with a coat of polyurethane.
Midcentury Legs on a Budget by Build Basic - Step 5

6. Refinish the Metal Base


Once the polyurethane has fully dried, remove the painters tape from the metal base. Apply a new piece of painter tape around the leg just below the metal base. Using a small brush, apply two coats of “Jenn’s Favorite Gold Paint”, allowing drying time in between coats. Lastly, to further protect floors, place a foot pad on each leg.
Midcentury Legs on a Budget by Build Basic - Step 6





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